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Модуль Continental GPEC4 BitEdit
Модуль Continental GPEC4 BitEdit

  • Артикул: 9854-116
  • Кол-во:
  • Цена:
    10 000RUB руб.


Модуль Continental GPEC4 BitEdit

Модуль для калибровки систем управления бензиновых двигателей автомобилей Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep и Fiat с блоками управления Continental GPEC4 и GPEC4LM.

Доступные карты:

Air calculation: Map for calculation of nominal charge, Volumetric efficiency at part load (if found)

Airflow correction: Volumetric efficiency multiplier for coolant temperature, Volumetric efficiency multiplier for intake temperature, Airflow through throttle body, Coolant temperature factor for volumetric efficiency, Intake temperature factor for volumetric efficiency

Closed loop: Closed loop enable delay

Idle speed: Desired idle speed in drive, Desired idle speed in drive(high octane), Elevated idle speed, Minimal idle speed at drive, Minimal idle speed at P/N, Idle speed at drive, Idle speed in drive with AC, Idle speed in P/N, Idle speed in P/N with AC

Injection compensation: Fuel quantity injected, Lambda base value, Power enrichment at high octane, Power enrichment at regular octane

Injection control: Injection PWM offset, Fuel mass by injection PWM, Injection PWM by fuel mass

Limiters: Engine speed limitation, Engine speed limiter by engine coolant temperature, Engine speed limiter by oil temperature, Engine speed limiter in Neutral, Vehilce speed limitation

Spark advance: Optimal spark advance ignition angle in additional mode

Spark advance ignition angle base : Spark advance ignition angle base map in additional mode, Spark advance minimum ignition angle

Spark Advance knock detection: Spark advance knock detection factor in additional mode

Spark advance: corrections: Spark advance ignition angle correction by engine temperature, Spark advance ignition correction by intake air temperature

Spark advance: limits: Spark advance ignition correction by intake air temperature 1

Temperature: Exhaust Gas Temperature

Throttle valve control: Limit voltage for throttle valve adaption, Throttle valve opening angle large range (if found), Throttle valve opening angle small range (if found)

Torque: Pedal accelerator by torque request, Torque limit by gear and speed, Torque request by accelerator pedal

Turbo: Boost Pressure, Maximum LP CAM surface for engine protection, Maximum run CAM surface for engine protection, Objective Pressure Ratio slope surface, Target Boost, Throttle pressure reduction due to air temperature on compressor inlet, Turbine corrected flow table, Turbine target pressure ratio surface, Turbocharger reduced speed based on monomeric curve, Upstream throttle Pressure reduction, Сalibration surface for wastegate area pressure ratio

VVT: Exhaust camshaft angle, Intake camshaft angle


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Основные возможности редактора:

  • Подходит для использования как новичками, так и опытными калибровщиками.
  • Визуализация данных калибровок в табличном, двумерном, трехмерном видах.
  • Поддержка редактирования: по дельта(+/-), в процентах, установка значения.
  • Поддержка умного копирования и вставки (включая множественное выделение).
  • Гибкий и настраиваемый интерфейс с системой докинга.
  • Возможность открывать сразу несколько карт калибровок.
  • Автоматическое управления параллельными картами (они определены в модуле) с переносом изменений.
  • Модульная система, позволяющая избежать лишних затрат.

Программа имеет клиент-серверную архитектуру, для работы требуется обязательное наличие подключения к сети Интернет. Активация дополнительных модулей производится в автоматическом режиме через интернет.

Указанные цены в рублях действительны только для резидентов России, Украины, Белорусии и Казахстана. Ключ без модулей не продаётся!



Module Continental GPEC4

Software module for editing calibrations Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep vehicles with ECU Continental GPEC4 и GPEC4LM.

Available maps:

Air calculation: Map for calculation of nominal charge, Volumetric efficiency at part load (if found)

Airflow correction: Volumetric efficiency multiplier for coolant temperature, Volumetric efficiency multiplier for intake temperature, Airflow through throttle body, Coolant temperature factor for volumetric efficiency, Intake temperature factor for volumetric efficiency

Closed loop: Closed loop enable delay

Idle speed: Desired idle speed in drive, Desired idle speed in drive(high octane), Elevated idle speed, Minimal idle speed at drive, Minimal idle speed at P/N, Idle speed at drive, Idle speed in drive with AC, Idle speed in P/N, Idle speed in P/N with AC

Injection compensation: Fuel quantity injected, Lambda base value, Power enrichment at high octane, Power enrichment at regular octane

Injection control: Injection PWM offset, Fuel mass by injection PWM, Injection PWM by fuel mass

Limiters: Engine speed limitation, Engine speed limiter by engine coolant temperature, Engine speed limiter by oil temperature, Engine speed limiter in Neutral, Vehilce speed limitation

Spark advance: Optimal spark advance ignition angle in additional mode

Spark advance ignition angle base : Spark advance ignition angle base map in additional mode, Spark advance minimum ignition angle

Spark Advance knock detection: Spark advance knock detection factor in additional mode

Spark advance: corrections: Spark advance ignition angle correction by engine temperature, Spark advance ignition correction by intake air temperature

Spark advance: limits: Spark advance ignition correction by intake air temperature 1

Temperature: Exhaust Gas Temperature

Throttle valve control: Limit voltage for throttle valve adaption, Throttle valve opening angle large range (if found), Throttle valve opening angle small range (if found)

Torque: Pedal accelerator by torque request, Torque limit by gear and speed, Torque request by accelerator pedal

Turbo: Boost Pressure, Maximum LP CAM surface for engine protection, Maximum run CAM surface for engine protection, Objective Pressure Ratio slope surface, Target Boost, Throttle pressure reduction due to air temperature on compressor inlet, Turbine corrected flow table, Turbine target pressure ratio surface, Turbocharger reduced speed based on monomeric curve, Upstream throttle Pressure reduction, Сalibration surface for wastegate area pressure ratio

VVT: Exhaust camshaft angle, Intake camshaft angle



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